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Benefits of a screening center

15 November 2021
Benefits of a screening center

Caucasus Medical Center plays a huge role in the development of the screening center. Here, diagnostics are performed using modern high-tech devices and the error is minimized. Also, the screening center is distinguished by the team of multidisciplinary doctors. With their joint involvement, the treatment issues of the patients are discussed. 


Free screening packages at the Caucasian Medical Center: 

  • Breast cancer screening for women aged 40- 70 including mammography on a 2D machine, ultrasound, and, if necessary, biopsy;
  • Screening for cervical cancer (which is the second in the population after breast cancer): for women aged 25-60. If necessary, a biopsy is performed as well;


Also noteworthy is the recently introduced thyroid cancer treatment program, which offers ultrasound examinations, thyroid hormone testing, and, if necessary, biopsies for women between the ages of 25-60. 

Caucasus Medical Center is the only hospital in the Caucasus that offers women a breast ultrasound scan using a 3D ABUS (automated breast ultrasound) machine. With its help, it is possible to detect minimal changes and initially differentiate malignant and benign pathologies. The device is a modern technology in which integrated artificial intelligence analyzes the examination results. It can perform thorough breast examinations and capture up to nine hundred high-quality images from different angles. In addition, it is possible to organize data (save and transfer), which is especially useful for monitoring dynamics. The ABUS device has no age restrictions and is easily accessible to users. 

After the diagnosis, the patients are consulted by the hospital team and prescribed a course of treatment. The head of the screening center is Ekaterine Shvelidze, Academic Doctor of Medical Sciences, Radiologist. The medical check-ups are led by Rusudan Jojua, head coach of the Evex residency, and a training program for family doctors. At the center work new highly qualified doctors, including mammologist Giorgi Kechekmadze and oncologist Archil Sharashenidze.

The goal of preventive medicine is to examine the healthy population to timely identify problems and plan effective treatment. According to world statistics, participation in screening programs has reduced the mortality rate from breast cancer by 30%, while the early diagnosis of the disease leads to a complete cure by 98%.

Caucasus Medical Center makes a significant contribution to the development of preventive medicine in Georgia by introducing modern technologies and the joint work of a multidisciplinary highly-qualified team.

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