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Treatment and Diagnostic Hub of the Caucasus Medical Center

29 October 2021
Treatment and Diagnostic Hub of the Caucasus Medical Center

The Caucasus Medical Center brings together the country's leading specialists in one space and offers easily accessible medical services. The hospital has a diagnostic and treatment center, the advantage of which is that patients canconsult a doctor of any profile.At the center, patients can get the following medical services:

  • Laboratory examinations;
  • High-tech examinations;
  • Instrumental studies (ECG, EEG, endoscopy, etc.);
  • Preventive medicine (screening programs);
  • Outpatient procedures;
  • Day hospital.

Outpatient and diagnostic services are available during the weekdays and on weekends. Through a simple booking system, you can book an appointment with a doctor both through the call center and through the website and Facebook. Since the hospital is located in the city center, its accessibility is also an advantage for patients.

Often, patients who come to the clinic because of a specific problem do not know that additional examinations may be required, so it is important to create an environment where diagnostic and outpatient services are fully available. The medical and diagnostic hub of the Caucasus Medical Center combines a full range of services in one space, which is very comfortable for patients.

Medical institutions of the center:

  • Oncology Center;
  • Heart Center;
  • Center for Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders;
  • Post-Covid-Rehabilitation Center;
  • Pediatric center;
  • Center for Traumatology and Rheumatology;
  • Neurology Center;
  • Ophthalmology Center;
  • Center for Gastroenterological Diseases;
  • Women's Health Center;
  • Urology Center;
  • Screening Center;
  • Center for High-Tech Examinations;

The multidisciplinary team of doctors is also an advantage of the clinic. If necessary, patients are managed using a multidisciplinary approach: consultation is carried out, and issues related to the patient are resolved, based on the exchange of information between doctors. We should also mention the involvement of foreign doctors in this process. Caucasus Medical Center collaborates with Georgian and foreign doctors working in Europe and the United States, who share their international experience and alternative opinions, which often helps in identifying complex medical cases. It is also important to note the possibility of conducting laboratory studies in the Netherlands, where pathological and anatomical diagnostics of complex medical cases is made by the pathologist Alex Baidoshvili, who works there.

For the hospital, the satisfaction of each patient is important. Therefore, taking into account their needs and requirements, the center has been modernized, and the service has been improved.

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