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The Very Difficult Aneurysm Surgery was Performed Successfully

26 November 2020
The Very Difficult Aneurysm Surgery was Performed Successfully
Endovascular coiling is a small innovative intervention that is considered to be one of the most complex surgical operations in neurosurgery. The process involves blocking blood flow into an aneurysm using special coils, without so-called trepanation.
A 64-year-old patient was admitted to the Caucasus Medical Center with dizziness, general weakness and complaints of the severe headache.

Anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture was diagnosed. He underwent emergency surgery - Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. The surgery was performed by a neurosurgeon, Professor Mirza Khinikadze. The patient feels well. Postoperative treatment is continued in an inpatient setting.

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Benefits of a screening center
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Benefits of a screening center
15 November 2021
Caucasus Medical Center plays a huge role in the development of the screening center. Here, diagnostics are performed using modern high-tech devices and the error is minimized. Also, the screening center is distinguished by the team of multidisciplinary doctors. With their joint involvement, the treatment issues of the patients are discussed.